Me and the boiz - Writing male friendships
Oh my god, I can see that I will step into a hornest nest again, but here we go… In the era of the internet I heard a lot about how men fail at writing women, their personality, their body, and when I looked at the examples I had to agree with the complaints. However, I have never heard about complaints about women writing men – which can be just as bad. I first met this issue in a play-by-post forum, when two girls played male characters and tried to depict their friendship. It was cutsie, warm and gentle, so the exact opposite of what I see when looking at the relationship between my male friends. Then Dar started reading a book, where a female author tried to depict what could happen when a bunch of men are stuck together for a few weeks, and also failed terribly from a whole other side. It seems that men’s mind is just as big of a mystery for women as the women mind of most men, so we are here to help in the matter. This post tries to serve as a source for writers strug...