Writing Crumbs #3


Hey! Dar here with another random tidbit topic.
Recently we saw a youtube video about the problems with YA fiction and there was an interesting point in the comment section. One commenter remarked that there is an uneven gender representation in the YA and adult fiction literature, because there’s hardly anything for boys too old for MG and too young for gritty dark fantasy. Similarly, there’s next to no books that are for adult women other than romance. If you want to find an epic fantasy that’s not primarily for men, you’ll have to dig REALLY deep (and you’ll probably find Jemisin’s The Broken Earth).

I’ve never thought about this, but there’s truth in that sentiment. So I’ll try to start a conversation about this: do you know of any books that fit those illustrious categories? Are there YA books aimed at boys or epic fantasy/sci-fi novels targetting women audience?
What could qualify as those in the first place? What could be the focus of an adult fiction for women or a young adult book for boys?
I’m honestly curious about what the writing community thinks, so reblog and share to hear as many opinions as we can!


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