By the Nine Divines! - A Collection of fantasy pantheons
Hey there, traveler! Remember the post we wrote about the basic system of pantheons, with all the mysterious concepts that pop-up as gods in nearly any mythology? Well, at long last, it’s time to take a look at how authors (other than Lovecraft) utilized that system to create their own fictional universes. The pattern isn’t always obvious, sometimes they neglect some aspects, sometimes invent entirely new gods, but you can mostly spot the bare-bones behind these deviations. First, let’s see a typical pantheon. At first, we were thinking Tolkien could be a great example with his enormous amount of lore poured into his world, but in the end, it’s not so different from the ones we got used to in mythology. If you like to read about his take on religion send us a message and we will write a post about him too. I. Dragonlance - By the book For Lory, the first contact with the high fantasy genre was the Dragonlance world around the age of 10, so it was quite a big impact on her later go...